Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Madura Sampe Ujung

oleh oleh khas surabaya

Towards oleh oleh khas surabaya to the island of Madura, is not new to me, for I am in Surabaya, was almost more than 4x, I visited the island of Madura. Whether it's for official purposes of the organization, or just invited a friend.This time the trip to the island of Madura, actually become a travel destination in the beginning of 2012. I and Widy, couchsurfing friend who eventually became friends Ngalor soul - exploratory, both fitting January 1, 2012 and reckless circumference Madura with red motorcycle only: D .

We intentionally did not chose January 31 as the tour schedule, in addition to going to jam, lots of firecrackers, and also not dapet hotel for stay. Appointments around boarding Widy, front Indomart Undaan Road, exactly 6.30 am, heck wants 5 hours, but because of the overnight stay up confused looking Madura maps, find places of tourist destinations, seriously ... we both woke up late he he .

That morning Surabaya deserted once, the remnants of the New Year party last night, still made an impression in every corner of the road that I went through, looked janitor sweeping the streets and jumble of papers firecrackers, plus cool air due to overnight rain, making people more reluctant to get out of Surabaya City the house.
It was my first encounter with Widy, previously we only contact-kontakan via e-mail, ym, sms and phone. First met widy, wuiihh super deh indifferently ha ha ha .. and it turns out his bangett asyikk, although sometimes like chatty if you've a problem "time and schedule".

  Tour will go through is Bangkalan City - Sampang - Pamekasan - Sumenep, four cities that are districts in Madura Island, island covering an area of approximately 5,250 km2 with a population of about four million average population are farmers salt, it is known as the island of Madura salt. Less fertile soil conditions, heat and hardened soil, making a lot of good Madurese migrated out of the city, outside the island to foreign loh: D ... selling satay hehe

Crossing the longest bridge, it takes 5 minutes from Surabaya - Madura Bangkalan. Tickets for the motorcycle crossing across that only Rp, Rp 3,000 while the car. 30,000, if the truck because I have never yet been nyupir truck: p. The cold air and the smell of the sea make our brain to relax and really enjoy the trip, although the wind was blowing hard, not too discouraged to do a tour de madure (ed: his language Madura Madura island was "Madureh")

Madura morning atmosphere was quiet, too many leftover firecrackers littered the roadside. Previously I had never been on a motorcycle to Madura, tips for friends, be careful driving, as most road users in Madura arguably is rather inconsequential, turn without a turn signal, play slonong wrote. Likes to make shock, ya even if we take the car, and we lacked the courage.

All of our equipment has been packed into one in each backpack, raincoat in the seat, the motor is in-check-up a few days before leaving, and of course prime condition for "driving" the motor pp (roundtrip), because the Widy can not on a motorcycle .. lol dehh cape. According to the agreement, we depart via the longest bridge, and the return "wants" via Port Kamal - Tanjung Perak.

  According to a search of grass carp, for to Sambilangan from there pretty much, #waduhh .. but could be faster through the corners, before the red light is no half-paved road, but further still macadam. We are determined to pass the road, because it is the fastest .. Remember yes, if we meet the villagers, then showed us the way and say "close", see his finger .. heheh if forefinger grip parallel to the "size close" it could be the same as away the town .. but if you've showed us the way, his index 45 degree rise ... wahhh was unlucky 13 for the city heheh .. aka juuuaaaauuuuuhhh bangettt ..

Gilaa! Our road will pass instead of black asphalt .. but white asphalt, macadam alias of limestone, not to mention a lot of puddles, because Madura overnight rain, and lots of traps betmen, potholes are covered puddles. The journey time is tasteless longer, because we have not been through, was worried we stray, along the way I tried to friendly and greet those who were break loose from the field and sawanya.
Occasionally we passed a truck carrying limestone, and they are advised to be careful, because the road is damaged. The longer really more deserted road, we finally a time to stop to ask directions, and it turns out it was the road that must be passed towards the main road, fortunately we tournya fitting morning .. try to imagine that night .. ampunn DJ ... getting there more to meet with people beresepeda "fun bike", judging from the appearance and accent, it seems people Surabaya. We were a little excited, because the way we passed right.

Finally got down a very steep road, in front of the eyes appear wuiiihhhh Java, Surabaya as its separate by Madura Strait .. .. we stopped for a moment, for the photographs. I read the directions, it turns out we're in Kamal, close to the harbor hehehe ... eventually. The trip to the Lighthouse is still pretty far, we continue south to Bangkalan City.
Actually we pingin stopping to eat duck Sinjai Bangkalan, but because of the long queue up deh ya .. Then somehow the story, we get to the sector in the bustling village visit people, it looks like a boarding school, because many visitors wearing Muslim clothing, until the party bus as in Ampel Surabaya. We stopped at one of the supermarket there, buy snacks, drinks, and tempted to buy souvenirs typical of cassava chips Madura, Hence the bag so full, rentengan plastic bag hanging on the neck of my red bike.

While enjoying ice cream on the porch of the stamp Mrs supermarket, we sempatkan wondering what this place really crowded, it turns out there is a Mbah Cholil, one of the scholars who helped the spread of Islam.
Hmm ... apparently a trip to the beach Sambilangan, not as easy as we imagine, having to play that of the longest, from Mbah Cholil, slightly jammed streets because many large buses and cars pilgrims entering and leaving the area. I remember, we turn left then right heheh .. aja yah wondering if fit through there, do not worry Madurese really good especially if "tretan dibik" (ed: a term for people who can speak or from Madura Madura / Madura-speaking areas, and is considered as your own, tretan = brother, dibik = own)

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