Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Walking To Purwokerto

Bright sunlight managed oleh oleh khas surabaya wake me in the morning. I opened the door, and found two servings of breakfast has been neatly arranged on a tray. Breakfast that morning - perhaps too early usually - is a plate of fried rice fried egg and a glass of fresh hot tea poured yourself from the pot. I hope dapet coffee or sweet tea anyway, but that is also already sizable body really does make sufficient energy all day.

After a shower, I rushed out of the hotel by wearing a T-shirt and knee-length pants make me look more like a high school kid. The morning sunlight setrong really yes. In an instant, my body that had Seger abis shower, direct already wet and shiny by kiwi shoe cleaners sweat.

My goal today was a bit not clear actually. I just want to places in the town of Navan which I had never visited the previous day. Shortly after coming out of the hotel and down Jl. Gatot Subroto rather empty, I turn to the right - into the Church Street. I strolled leisurely down the road is not so wide, until finally found a great church with a unique architecture on the left side of the road that beraran Cathedral of Christ the King Church or Parish of Christ the King.
Cathedral Church of Christ the King
I'm back swinging step, through local schools and residents who move and interact on the roadside. Ah, I am very happy moments like this, through the small streets are clean, quiet, and see the citizens move. Not long after I find a time that is clean, neat, flowing through a public high school. Glad I found a time that net flow splitting civilization like this: 3

Times that flows through the SMP 3 Purwokerto

xit from Jl. Church, I entered the Way Dr. Larger numbers and became one of the main streets in the town of Navan. He does here there are plenty of cafes and places to eat, but then I do not see any cafe tuh. There may be on the other side of times yes. I just passed the Hospital Dr. Tanuwijaya before finally turn left, go to Jalan Ahmad Yani.

Fatigue has started growing body clung old, while clothing was wet with sweat too sticky. But this leg still has not lost his spirit to keep going. The spirit was re-filled when I come across a small park that occupies a piece of land next to the hospital.

Route I were walking around like this, logically, I will enter the Masjid Road that ran straight up to the square. A few minutes later, I then find an intersection that if I took the straight way - I will enter the Masjid. I keep going straight, until I again reached the square. Indeed, I've visited this place last Malem, but I tetep want to square again to enjoy a different atmosphere offered.

Square midmorning when it is not as busy at night, but that does not mean there's no activity at all yes. The square is bordered by the Office of Banyumas Regent on one side and the Great Mosque Baitussalam Navan on the other side. A small building attracted the attention I, located on the side opposite the mosque. Building with white domination and classic style was named Rumah Batik Square. Initially, I thought it was a museum. Passable really 'it if find any attraction for free. It turns out that the building functioned as a sort of boutique -_____-
Batik House Square

Batik House Square
Above: Great Mosque Baitussalam. Bottom: Banyumas Regent Office.
t front of the square is bordered by Jl. Gen. Sudirman. Some local residents seemed swarming two boards that stood in a row, with sheets of local and national newspapers are placed behind glass. I joined a crowd of people, read some news that displayed in the newspaper. Feel like a local nih!

From the square, I plan to go to the Market Wage - traditional commercial center in the town of Navan. Travel to the Market Wage runs quite smoothly using public transportation means that speeding "reasonable" and not too much ngetem. Angkot in Navan has a uniform color - orange ngejreng - while some freight transport is a green Banyumas.

Wage market consists of a main building premises shophouses lining around it, or sellers "independent" who hold a stall at the roadside. Although it already has a modern building - made of bricks, instead of bamboo or tombstone #pffft - but the contents inside ya somewhat chaotic typical traditional markets. The seller fills every corner of the commodity market with merchandise, was busy completing the transaction with the buyer.

Although sempet tempted with food and snacks Javanese, but I did not do the buying and selling activity in the market. I pristine streets and eye wash, hehe. Intrigued by how the situation on the 2nd floor, I then move up using the escalator is rattling slowly. Apparently, there's hardly anything on the 2nd floor Wage Market. Parts of it seem a bit sluggish, not as vibrant as the lower floor, with only a few vendors that serve a handful of buyers subscription.

At the time of Eid celebrations in 2012 I had the opportunity to be able to visit my hometown located in Central Java, precisely in Banyumas. Banyumas district administrative center in the town of Navan, it is sometimes confusing because how many people can name different from the name of a district government center, if the central government in Navan Navan why not named district alone, or why do not ya central government in Banyumas. Certainly no historical background why it could happen, but because this time I'm not going to discuss it, so we just accept the fact that Banyumas have administrative center of Navan Town. Administrative Navan Town neighborhood in east region Banyumas district, north of the town of Navan there Slamet mountain, the highest active volcano in Central Java and the second highest in Java. Slamet mountain where it makes the town of Navan area has a relatively cool climate, although it is now a lot of people complain that the town of Navan is getting hot, but I think the air and the coolness of the town of Navan is still better than in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Navan town atmosphere also relatively quieter, but not a dead city altogether. there are many people who say this Navan town city retirees, for its tranquil atmosphere is suitable for retirees who want to spend his time with casual and relaxed. The quiet atmosphere can be seen from the traffic activity that is not so crowded in Purwokerto.

market Wage
Apparently, not only the local atmosphere which I can from my observations in this Wage Market. Here, too, I found the feel of the pulse of life that characterizes multicultural town of Navan. Vihara Hok Tik Bio stood quietly in one side of the market, not at all disturbed by all the bustle of the market and the indigenous people :)

Approximately been about five years I have lived in Navan. when I returned home visits in the past, I found some road area undergoing changes. One is in the area of Jalan Doctor Figures, roads in this area previously divided into two, which in the midst of the road along the way there is a separator in the form of shade trees. but now the path separator has been dismantled, yes of course, once the trees. The region has become more widely visible and open.

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